The contracts for the Louisiana Library Connection databases allow library patrons remote access to many of the databases. These contracts restrict access to registered patrons of the parish libraries and the State Library of Louisiana to use only from public libraries and home computers. Logging in to these databases from an elementary, middle, or high school may place that institution in violation of licensing agreements. Database vendors have the option of pursuing legal action against any offending institutions.
Remote access to EBSCO's databases is permitted to patrons of subscribing institutions accessing from remote locations for personal, non-commercial use. However, remote access to EBSCO's databases from non-subscribing institutions is not allowed if the purpose of the use is for commercial gain through cost reduction or avoidance for a non-subscribing institution.
HomeworkLouisiana, powered by Tutor.com, is available to all residents of Louisiana through their local parish libraries and at HomeworkLa.org. Promotion of the HomeworkLouisiana program in the local schools is highly encouraged; through school visits, PTA/PTO meetings, teacher in-service days, and distribution of marketing materials at the schools.
Please note that per the parameters of our grant and contract with Tutor.com, access to the program is limited to after-school hours at home or in the library. No links to the program may be added to school or teacher websites. School administrators may contact Tutor.com directly at contactsales@tutor.com or 800-411-1970 for additional information about Tutor.com's K-12 programs.
Revised: 9/16/2010